Wednesday, March 5, 2014

you are my sunshine

I woke up this morning to a little Paisley voice on the monitor yelling "mommy I'm pooped" and a little Beck foot in my back (because he gets in bed with us every night), but it still took a minute for me to move. I lay there groggy and tired but couldn't help but think about these two sweet little things and how much I'll miss these days when they're behind us. Poop diapers and all. Pregnancy I may not miss quite as much. 

I haven't been feeling as sick the past few days and the sun was out so I decided it was a good day to get outside. Mornings are rough around here lately and now that I'm not a nauseous monster I need to burn bad habbits. The kids wake up early and I've just been too sick to be a good mom so mornings are slow and boring and usually start off with the three of us kissing daddy off to work and then watching movies and eating dry cereal on the couch, my head buried under covers, frustrated by every request from the kids. This morning started off the same way but I forced myself to pull on clothes and pack a picnic, a baseball bat and balls and head out to the park with the kids. I almost snapped when Beck whined about the cold wind but I held my tongue and told him our picnic would be great. And it was. We ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, apples and pretzels, played baseball (sorta), and played on the playground. The kids love the big circle swing. Beck found a fallen branch and carried it around sure the pavilion was full of monsters and bats. So we hunted them. Paisley loves the slides and Beck loves to pee off of the slides. This time I caught him pulling down his pants on time and rushed him to a tree explaining we don't pee where people play or walk. "But I just want to mom"...

I love these cute kids. I love their ideas and their conversations. Beck loves to please and make people laugh. He takes his shirt off every time a friend walks in to play (a boy thing??) and calls me momma instead of mommy or mom. Paisley is sweet and playful. Those exact words describe her best. Her most common phrases are "oh great!" and "oh nanks!" and she often yells at us "don't say bad words!" while we're having normal conversations. She knows what she wants and fights for it weather its her desperate need for a drink of milk or a toy. But she has the sweetest smile and the most adorable laugh. This baby growing inside me is going to get more love and attention then it could possibly want. 

My house is mess, I haven't showered, Justin did dishes and bedtime so I could watch my vampire show, and theres about ten loads of laundry I should be doing. But today I feel better than most knowing that we got fresh air and playtime and that my kids are safe and healthy and for the most part... happy. Wahoo for sunshine and picnics!!!!

1 comment:

Whitney said...

You are a GREAT mom! So happy you were able to get out and have some fun. Peeing off the slide! Haha what fun I have to look forward to.

Hope you continue to feel better and in the mean time, don't be too hard on yourself. We ALL movie mornings and cold cereal days. :)