We were lucky to have Justin's Brother Brandon with his wife Jamie and baby Easton stay with us Valentines day weekend while they were here for Jamie's bothers wedding.We had so much fun with them and loved seeing Easton again! He's the cutest. Unfortunately little E got sick while visiting and we just found out he went home with a cold that turned into RSV. Poor little boy. We don't get to see them very often so having them here was super fun! Hopefully Easton will be healthy again soon:(
Because we had a busy weekend and already had our v-day gift I thought that was it for valentines day. However, Justin came home from work on Monday with flowers, chocolate, a cleaned out car and took me out to a yummy dinner at Chefs Table. Am I lucky or what?! I was totally surprised he went all out! I feel bad I didn't do a dang thing for him... I love that boy:)
As for my creative side... I finally finished a baby blanket I've been working on. It turned out pretty cute (as long as you don't look to closely). I'm not a great seamstress and this project took a lot of patience but I thought it would be fun to make my baby's first blanket. Thanks for guiding me through it Candice! It was a fun project.